How to Scientifically Raise Chicks?

The chicks are shelled for about 25 hours, and the feeding is started. The corn slag or millet can be used as feed to improve the feeding ability of the chicks. After three days, the mixed feed is added. Generally, the chicks within 6 weeks of age should be fed 5 or 6 times a day. After the age of the week, the feeding times can be appropriately reduced. Usually, the feeding time is 4 to 5 times a day. Battery cage system for broilers.

The digestive system of the chicks in this stage is not fully developed and very fragile, so the feeding should not be full, and the feeding should follow a small number of times. Principles; at the same time provide clean and enough water for the chickens to drink, you can add 5% brown sugar to the warm water for the chicks to drink, which can promote the chicks to absorb the remaining egg yolk; always pay attention to the chick’s food intake, health, the average chick food consumption suddenly Falling or increasing is a harbinger of disease.