Reasonable use of chicken farm egg cages

Most egg cage manufacturers believe that chicken cages are divided into cages, .How to use chicken farm equipment to raise chickens is very important in chicken production. Now the use of several chicken cages is simple. The introduction is as follows, for the reference of the majority of chicken farmers.

The brooding cage is usually raised from 0-30 days old. The size of the cage is generally 187<60<30cm. The growth of the square body structure is separated. The chicken cage can be fed on both sides. There are regulating nets on both sides of the cage. . The bottom net of the chicken cage is denser. The growth square is generally three-dimensional according to the structure of the cage. There are three or four layers between the layers and the layer. There is a hanging tank on both sides of the chicken cage and a sink for the chicken. The advantage of using chicken cages for eating and drinking is to make full use of the area of ​​the brooding room, to facilitate heat preservation and disinfection, to separate the chickens and chicken manure, to reduce the occurrence of coccidiosis and other diseases, and to improve the survival rate. Generally, the chickens are placed first. In the 2-3 layers, as the chicks age, the area occupied by the chicks gradually increases, and the chickens in the upper cage are gradually transferred to the lower cages, reducing the stocking density, reducing the stress response of the transferred population, and increasing the survival rate. It also facilitates early insulation.



The egg cage is characterized by thicker wire and flexible, and there is an egg tray. The chicken lays eggs in the cage and the egg rolls out of the cage. It is easy to pick. If the steel wire is too thin, it is easy to make the cage fall. Support reinforcement is provided at the bottom of the cage to prevent the cage from sagging. In addition, in the process of raising the chicken, we can use the feeding equipment to feed the chicken so that the growth and development of the chicken will be better, and more breeding benefits will be brought.


In short, the scale of battery cage for layers is similar everywhere, and the method of use is basically the same. The use of chicken cages to raise chickens can reduce the amount of chicken movement, reduce the energy consumption of chickens, and facilitate the management of epidemic prevention and disinfection. Egg cage manufacturers suggest that the rational use of chicken cages can reduce the labor intensity of the breeders, reduce the cost of raising and improve the economic
benefits of raising chickens.